#define ESP_DRD_USE_SPIFFS true // Include Libraries //#include ".h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "media/images.h" #include // Graphics and font library #include "wManager.h" // JSON configuration file #define JSON_CONFIG_FILE "/config.json" // Flag for saving data bool shouldSaveConfig = false; // Variables to hold data from custom textboxes char poolString[80] = "public-pool.airdns.org"; int portNumber = 21496;//3333; char btcString[80] = "yourBtcAddress"; int GMTzone = 2; //Currently selected in spain // Define WiFiManager Object WiFiManager wm; extern TFT_eSPI tft; // tft variable declared on main void saveConfigFile() // Save Config in JSON format { Serial.println(F("Saving configuration...")); // Create a JSON document StaticJsonDocument<512> json; json["poolString"] = poolString; json["portNumber"] = portNumber; json["btcString"] = btcString; json["gmtZone"] = GMTzone; // Open config file File configFile = SPIFFS.open(JSON_CONFIG_FILE, "w"); if (!configFile) { // Error, file did not open Serial.println("failed to open config file for writing"); } // Serialize JSON data to write to file serializeJsonPretty(json, Serial); if (serializeJson(json, configFile) == 0) { // Error writing file Serial.println(F("Failed to write to file")); } // Close file configFile.close(); } bool loadConfigFile() // Load existing configuration file { // Uncomment if we need to format filesystem // SPIFFS.format(); // Read configuration from FS json Serial.println("Mounting File System..."); // May need to make it begin(true) first time you are using SPIFFS if (SPIFFS.begin(false) || SPIFFS.begin(true)) { Serial.println("mounted file system"); if (SPIFFS.exists(JSON_CONFIG_FILE)) { // The file exists, reading and loading Serial.println("reading config file"); File configFile = SPIFFS.open(JSON_CONFIG_FILE, "r"); if (configFile) { Serial.println("Opened configuration file"); StaticJsonDocument<512> json; DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(json, configFile); configFile.close(); serializeJsonPretty(json, Serial); if (!error) { Serial.println("Parsing JSON"); strcpy(poolString, json["poolString"]); strcpy(btcString, json["btcString"]); portNumber = json["portNumber"].as(); GMTzone = json["gmtZone"].as(); return true; } else { // Error loading JSON data Serial.println("Failed to load json config"); } } } } else { // Error mounting file system Serial.println("Failed to mount FS"); } return false; } void saveConfigCallback() // Callback notifying us of the need to save configuration { Serial.println("Should save config"); shouldSaveConfig = true; //wm.setConfigPortalBlocking(false); } void configModeCallback(WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) // Called when config mode launched { Serial.println("Entered Configuration Mode"); Serial.print("Config SSID: "); Serial.println(myWiFiManager->getConfigPortalSSID()); Serial.print("Config IP Address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.softAPIP()); } void init_WifiManager() { Serial.begin(115200); //Serial.setTxTimeoutMs(10); //Init pin 15 to eneble 5V external power (LilyGo bug) pinMode(PIN_ENABLE5V, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_ENABLE5V, HIGH); // Change to true when testing to force configuration every time we run bool forceConfig = false; // Check if button2 is pressed to enter configMode with actual configuration if(!digitalRead(PIN_BUTTON_2)){ forceConfig = true; wm.setBreakAfterConfig(true); //Set to detect config edition and save } bool spiffsSetup = loadConfigFile(); if (!spiffsSetup) { Serial.println(F("Forcing config mode as there is no saved config")); forceConfig = true; } // Explicitly set WiFi mode WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // Reset settings (only for development) //wm.resetSettings(); //Set dark theme //wm.setClass("invert"); // dark theme // Set config save notify callback wm.setSaveConfigCallback(saveConfigCallback); // Set callback that gets called when connecting to previous WiFi fails, and enters Access Point mode wm.setAPCallback(configModeCallback); //Advanced settings wm.setConfigPortalBlocking(false); //Hacemos que el portal no bloquee el firmware wm.setConnectTimeout(50); // how long to try to connect for before continuing //wm.setConfigPortalTimeout(30); // auto close configportal after n seconds // wm.setCaptivePortalEnable(false); // disable captive portal redirection // wm.setAPClientCheck(true); // avoid timeout if client connected to softap //wm.setTimeout(120); //wm.setConfigPortalTimeout(120); //seconds // Custom elements // Text box (String) - 80 characters maximum WiFiManagerParameter pool_text_box("Poolurl", "Pool url", poolString, 80); // Need to convert numerical input to string to display the default value. char convertedValue[6]; sprintf(convertedValue, "%d", portNumber); // Text box (Number) - 7 characters maximum WiFiManagerParameter port_text_box_num("Poolport", "Pool port", convertedValue, 7); // Text box (String) - 80 characters maximum WiFiManagerParameter addr_text_box("btcAddress", "Your BTC address", btcString, 80); // Text box (Number) - 2 characters maximum char charZone[6]; sprintf(charZone, "%d", GMTzone); WiFiManagerParameter time_text_box_num("TimeZone", "TimeZone fromUTC (-12/+12)", charZone, 3); // Add all defined parameters wm.addParameter(&pool_text_box); wm.addParameter(&port_text_box_num); wm.addParameter(&addr_text_box); wm.addParameter(&time_text_box_num); Serial.println("AllDone: "); if (forceConfig) // Run if we need a configuration { //No configuramos timeout al modulo wm.setConfigPortalBlocking(true); //Hacemos que el portal SI bloquee el firmware tft.pushImage(0, 0, setupModeWidth, setupModeHeight, setupModeScreen); if (!wm.startConfigPortal("NerdMinerAP","MineYourCoins")) { Serial.println("failed to connect and hit timeout"); //Could be break forced after edditing, so save new config strncpy(poolString, pool_text_box.getValue(), sizeof(poolString)); portNumber = atoi(port_text_box_num.getValue()); strncpy(btcString, addr_text_box.getValue(), sizeof(btcString)); GMTzone = atoi(time_text_box_num.getValue()); saveConfigFile(); delay(3000); //reset and try again, or maybe put it to deep sleep ESP.restart(); delay(5000); } } else { //Tratamos de conectar con la configuraciĆ³n inicial ya almacenada wm.setCaptivePortalEnable(false); // disable captive portal redirection if (!wm.autoConnect("NerdMinerAP","MineYourCoins")) { Serial.println("Failed to connect and hit timeout"); //delay(3000); // if we still have not connected restart and try all over again //ESP.restart(); //delay(5000); } } //Conectado a la red Wifi if(WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED){ //tft.pushImage(0, 0, MinerWidth, MinerHeight, MinerScreen); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected"); Serial.print("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); // Lets deal with the user config values // Copy the string value strncpy(poolString, pool_text_box.getValue(), sizeof(poolString)); Serial.print("PoolString: "); Serial.println(poolString); //Convert the number value portNumber = atoi(port_text_box_num.getValue()); Serial.print("portNumber: "); Serial.println(portNumber); // Copy the string value strncpy(btcString, addr_text_box.getValue(), sizeof(btcString)); Serial.print("btcString: "); Serial.println(btcString); //Convert the number value GMTzone = atoi(time_text_box_num.getValue()); Serial.print("TimeZone fromUTC: "); Serial.println(GMTzone); } // Save the custom parameters to FS if (shouldSaveConfig) { saveConfigFile(); } } void reset_configurations() { Serial.println("Erasing Config, restarting"); wm.resetSettings(); SPIFFS.remove(JSON_CONFIG_FILE); //Borramos fichero ESP.restart(); } //----------------- MAIN PROCESS WIFI MANAGER -------------- int oldStatus = 0; void wifiManagerProcess() { wm.process(); // avoid delays() in loop when non-blocking and other long running code int newStatus = WiFi.status(); if (newStatus != oldStatus) { if (newStatus == WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.println("CONNECTED - Current ip: " + WiFi.localIP().toString()); } else { Serial.print("[Error] - current status: "); Serial.println(newStatus); } oldStatus = newStatus; } }